One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Another Dr. Seuss book that is exceedingly popular with toddlers, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish has Seuss’ great rhymes, and also throws in counting for good measure. Since toddlers are learning how to count, and how each number of an object has to be counted, they’ll love counting in this book. Also, […]

Green Eggs and Ham

No toddler (or grown-up, in my case) top 10 list would be complete without a book or two by the master, Dr. Seuss. We’ve included two of his most popular books for toddlers. The first book, Green Eggs and Ham, has been bought over 8 million times around the world since it was first published […]

Moo, Baa, La, La, La!

Books 1

This Sandra Boynton book was written during the same time period as But Not the Hippopotamus and has been very popular as well. The book uses a rhyme scheme and animal sounds to create a very entertaining book. If you have a young toddler that is just beginning to learn that not all animals are […]
